Post-communist Romania is home to many driven individuals working toward political and social progress. However, during this extended season of healing and development, the children of Romania need our help! According to study by the World Bank, 25 percent of the Romanian population live on less than $5.50 a day, and about 28 percent of the poor live only on crops they grow themselves.
Our team is positioned to combat these statistics by partnering with a local ministry in Romania. Through targeted feeding programs, social work counseling, and education accountability - children and families in our programs have access to the support they need to thrive; especially those living in orphanages and in gypsy villages. Most importantly, everyone hears the Gospel of Christ and the hope that exists by belief in Him. Lives are being changed in Romania because of people like you!
The children in our sponsorship program are receiving reg...
Many Romanian families struggled to provide enough food a...
These families are so grateful for the support they recei...
As of now, praise the Lord, there are no reported cases o...
What an amazing trip to Romania for this mission team fro...